Steigbügel Green Composite - Flex-On

Steigbügel massgeschneidert

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Flex-on Green Composite : the innovative stirrups for equestrian sports that combine design, comfort and performance.

made in France

Shock-absorbing system:

1 - The springs
The soleplate of the Flex-on stirrup is based on 2 elastomer springs which absorb shock waves generated by the various particular movements of the rider during jumping.
flex-on etriers personnalisables


2 - ULTRA-GRIPP & GRIPP Technologies

The fixity and stability of the rider being a major factor in reducing Shocks, the soleplates of the Flex-on stirrups were designed to optimize the grip of the foot of the rider.
Wide soleplate for a frank and comfortable position.

GRIPP & ULTRA-GRIPP technologies

- The GRIPP soleplate : the aluminum floor is carved in pyramidal tips with a strong grip. No wear.
- The soleplate ULTRA GRIPP : based on a GRIPP soleplate + screws for even more grip.


Strength & lightness :
The Flex-on stirrups are produced with biosourced polymers and their structure is in aluminum to ensure their strength.

Ergonomy :

The passing for the leather stirrups which is lightly shifted and off-axis of the arche of the stirrup encourages a perpendicular placement of the foot on the soleplate that allows a correct leg position.
It relieves pressure on the stirrup and minimizes pressure on the joints.
The stirrups are symmetrical and are marked with a "D" for the right stirrup and a "G" for the left stirrup.
It is imperative to use it in the right sens.

Contact us for any special customization : logo, name, flags...

flex-on etriers personnalisables

The Flex-On ambassadors :
Mathieu LAVEAU
Margaux BOST
Margaux ROCUET
Guillaume BATILLAT
Stanislas de ZUCHOWICZ
Olivier ROBERT

Achtung :
Dieses Produkt wird gemäß Ihren Größenangaben und Ihrer Farbwahl angefertigt, Ihre Bestellung wird auf Basis Ihrer Angaben bearbeitet.
Angesichts der Spezifität der anpassbaren Produkte können sie nicht umgetauscht oder zurückerstattet werden.
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Gemäß Artikel L121-20-2 Konsumentenschutzgesetz:
Das Rücktrittsrecht kann nicht geltend gemacht werden für maßgefertigte oder nach den Wünschen des Kunden gestaltete Produkte.

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