Reithelm Epona Lin - Egide

Reithelm Massgeschneidert

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Reithelm Epona Lin Massgeschneidert by Egide

The Epona Lin helmet offers riders a high level of protection with the shell made of Flax Fiber ("Flax"="Lin" in French).
Flax Fiber, or also known as linen fiber, is an innovative and natural material. This fiber creates a unique design while at the same time proposing a more environmentally friendly Riding Helmet. This Flax Fiber is cultivated in France. You can choose the form and color of the visor and creat your own unique look. 

- Shell made of flax fiber (linen fiber) with anti-scratch and anti-UV properties. 
- The chin strap and visor are covered in Alcantara. 
- Magnetic closing buckle that is anti-pinch. 
- Super light - 490g (510g for the 3 largest sizes).
- Breathable interior foam lining and the aeration system helps keep the head cool. 
- The foam lining is removable for easy cleaning. 

Available in 8 sizes. Please refer to the size chart below in order to find the size most suitable for you. 

Extra Foam Lining:
The helmet comes with a "summer" foam lining.  If desired, you can add an extra foam lining to your purchase. 
Having the extra lining available would allow you to always have a lining at your disposal while the other is being washed and dried. 
A "winter" lining is also made available. This lining covers the ears without interfering with the fit of the helmet and keeps your ears warm during the winter months. 

All Egide helmets are made in France by local manufactures specialized in the helmet and luxury industries.

Size Chart                
Size S S / M M M / L L XL XL / XXL XXL
Head Circumference 54 cm 55 cm 56 cm 57 cm 58 cm 59 cm 60 cm 61 cm

Measuring head circumference:
 with a flexible tape measure, take the head's measurement by lining up in the middle of the forehead and 1 cm above the top of the ears. 


Article 7.2  § C
« The helmet is designed to absord a part of the energy produced from a shock by partially destroying a part of the shell or the interior padding, or both. This damage may not always be visible and therefore, whichever helmet underwent this type of shock must be destroyed or replaced by a new one. »
This means no helmet can be repared.
Furthermore, the warranty proposed by the helmet's manufacturer does not cover the damages related to this use of the helmet, especially in the case of a fall. 

CE EN 1384

Egide Warranty: 5 year garantee with the possiblity to replace pieces of the helmet with a short delay thanks to its French manufacturing. Egide also offers preferential pricing to those who must replace their helmet within the first year following its purchase due to a fall or shock. 


Achtung :
Dieses Produkt wird gemäß Ihren Größenangaben und Ihrer Farbwahl angefertigt, Ihre Bestellung wird auf Basis Ihrer Angaben bearbeitet.
Angesichts der Spezifität der anpassbaren Produkte können sie nicht umgetauscht oder zurückerstattet werden.
Bei Fragen hinsichtlich Farbauswahl oder technischer Details beraten wir Sie gerne:

Gemäß Artikel L121-20-2 Konsumentenschutzgesetz:
Das Rücktrittsrecht kann nicht geltend gemacht werden für maßgefertigte oder nach den Wünschen des Kunden gestaltete Produkte.

Die Stickerei wird streng nach Ihren Angaben, Schreibweise, Großbuchstaben, Größe, Schriftart und Farbe erfolgen. Für Schabracken werden sie auf einer Seite (links wie auf der visuellen) gemacht.

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